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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Will Smith Could Help you Achieve your Writing Goals

Hey readers! Today my sister sent me a video link with Will Smith talking about positive thinking. I have always known Will Smith was into the secret and various other positive thinking strategies. However; I actually did not think he was such an inspirational person. Will Smith might be an actor and a rapper and whatever else, but and this is a big but. He can teach you something, he can teach all of us something. You can learn how to become the best writer you can be from Will Smith. I will tell you why.

You have the power

Will Smith believes that we all have the power to change the way we live. We all have the power to live the life we want to live. If you want to be a best selling author, it is within your reach. You just have to believe it, you have to live it, you have to think it. If you don't believe that you have the power to shape your life then, guess what. You won't shape your life, the power is within you! Believe in the power of you! Do you understand what I mean? Henry Thomas Hamblin wrote a book in the early 1920's called, Within You is the Power. He believed that we all have an abundance of power within us, and it is up to us to unlock it. This is a notion that has been around for a long time, however some people just don't know how to tap into their own powers. When I talk about powers, I am not talking about magic, I am talking about the power of self belief. The power that connects us to a higher being, some may say that higher being is God, depends on what you believe in. However, that power that lies within us is a higher being, a spirit that can push us to achieve great things. You can live how you want to live. If you want a billion dollars, well it is written in the stars if you believe it is written in the stars. One thing you need to know is this, you have to help yourself. You can't sit down one day and have a thought and expect that thought to manifest itself. Just because you have a thought and you think I am going to be a millionaire, does not mean you will be. You want to be a millionaire so what are you going to do about it? If you want to be a millionaire well you have to believe it and work for it. So the two things you need to do are: Think positive and act upon those positive thoughts.

Never give up

Will Smith said something about the two keys to life are "Running and Reading." If you said that to anyone they would probably be baffled. What Will Smith is trying to say is that if you can run and continue to run even if your body is telling you to stop then you can overcome anything. This not giving up. If you have a problem no matter what it is, you can overcome it by reading. Every problem that has ever arisen in your life has happened to someone else before you. Therefore, if you read and fill your mind with knowledge and infinite wisdom you can overcome anything.

So how can Will Smith teach help you to achieve your writing goals? Well no matter what your goals are, the principle that you should never give up and believe in your self wholeheartedly can help you to get wherever you want to get in life. If your writing goals are to be published in the New York Times then get working on your goals. Work work work and work. Believe in the power of hard work.

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