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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

100 Hubpages Articles in 30 Days Experiment

I have heard of a few people doing this and having some success so, I am going to try it out. Yes I am going to be writing 100 Hubpage articles in  30 days and see how it goes. I heard of one guy making $2,000 in that space of time. To be quite honest I have not really pushed myself with these revenue share sites and I want to see how far I can take it. I have earned $500 one month with Triond but not more than that. So, I want to see how far I can get with Hubpages. If any of you guys want to join in then do let me know. You can comment here or you can e mail me at edina@intriguecopywriting.com and let me know you are taking part. You have to check in every week throughout the 30 days and let me know how many you have done. Obviously letting me know your id on Hubpages and everything else. Actually if you would like to do it on any other revenue share site then you can. For example if you want to try it on Triond that would be cool to see the difference in earnings.

Sorry this post is short but I gotta run! Let me know if you want to take up the challenge! 

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